What you should know about Lip Augmentation

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Women are looking for larger, fuller lips to provide a more balanced facial appearance.


Lip fillers are some of the most popular cosmetic treatments. This treatment helps to change the size and shape of your lips within reason.  In order to see the optimal results, it is important to know a little about your lip anatomy so that you can clearly explain your trouble areas and goals when getting lip fillers.  Here are a couple of things about lip anatomy that you can use when discussing your desired results with your aesthetic provider. 


Skin that makes up your lips is different from the skin on the rest of your face and body.  The skin of the lips is thinner, softer and more susceptible to dehydration and/or skin cancer.  Hydrating your lips and protecting them with a daily sunscreen is important to keep them unlined and healthy.  


Cupid’s bow (Roman God of Love) is beneath your nose.  It is the indentation that points downward located between two curves that point upward.  This area changes shape with age.  Fillers help to accentuate this area and create a more dramatic pouty lip shape.



The indentation in the middle of the upper lip that runs vertically from the base of your nose to cupid’s bow philtrum.  The two vertical lines on either side of the philtrum columns.  The two columns typical line up with the two raised curves of Cupid’s bow.


The vermillion border is the line between your lips and the rest of your skin. Most women typically apply lip liner or lipstick along this line.  The vermillion boarder has an important role in lip aesthetics.  This area can be injected with filler for enhancement.  Most importantly, too much filler in the vermillion boarder can result in an unnatural and swollen look often known as “DUCK LIP”.


Lips have bumps called tubercles.  Three on the upper lip and two on the bottom lip.  The tubercles create small outward projections.  Careful placement of fillers can accentuate these areas to create a fuller lip shape.  A true artist will enhance these areas to give you the proper shape to match your face.


Your aesthetic provider will help with the selection of the right filler to achieve your desired results.  

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.