Torn Earlobe Repair

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Torn Earlobe Repair

The earlobe is made up entirely of skin and fat; no bones and no cartilage.  Without the support of these stronger structures, the ear lobe is more likely to be torn or pulled out of shape than the rest of the ear.

Trauma, such as a dog bite or other accident can cause a tear in the lobe.  However, ear lobes can also be torn by large, heavy earrings, or can be intentionally stretched out of shape in the process of the body piercing practice known as gauging.  

Although some ear lobe rips may heal over time, they will likely leave a visible and often unsightly scar.  The scar tissue can also make it difficult to pierce the ears or wear earrings.

Regardless of the cause of the rip or stretching, ear lobe surgery can repair it, leaving the patient with an attractive and normal-looking ear.

Earlobe Surgery Procedure

Earlobe surgery is performed in an office setting and can be done with only local anesthetic.  The procedure normally takes about an hour, although each patient is different.  The extent of repair needed will affect the time in surgery.

During the earlobe repair, the surgeon will remove a small amount of skin around the tear or the piercing.  After the skin is removed the earlobe is sutured back together. 

A fully split earlobe will require more steps during surgery than a slightly ripped earlobe will.  Repairing a fully torn earlobe requires removing the damaged ear piercing tract, and suturing inner and outer layers of skin together.  

Recovery from Earlobe Surgery

Patients may experience mild discomfort following earlobe repair surgery.  Usually over-the-counter (non-prescription) pain relievers will be sufficient but a pain medication prescription my be given to you by the surgeon

Detailed instructions home care instructions will be given to you following the procedure.  By following the instructions, patients experience quick recovery and a beautiful result from their ear lobe repair.  Your earlobes will not be bandaged.  However, you will be asked to apply antibiotic ointment to the area to help prevent any infection.  Expect to see some slight swelling for the first week following your surgery.  

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.